Cisco Dumps Flip, Begins Re-Focus

Recently, a letter to Cisco employees, written by Cisco CEO John Chambers himself, was released to the public. In the letter, Mr. Chambers talks about how Cisco’s strategy has been, and continues to be, sound. Cisco’s operational execution on that strategy is where it has lost its way, according to Chambers. So Cisco is dumping the Flip digital … Read more

Keeping Track of the Candidates (EML)

This Federal election, it’s easier than ever to keep track of what candidates are doing and saying. At least, it should be. Yesterday I showed you how to keep track of the candidates in Lambton-Kent-Middlesex. Today, as promised, we’re going to be looking at the candidates running in Elgin-Middlesex-London. Joe Preston – Conservative Party Candidate … Read more

Oh Nokia…

My first cell phone was a Nokia 6185. Heck, my second cell phone was a Nokia too. They both worked really well, always had good reception, rarely dropped a call. But that was 10 years ago. Since then I’ve gone through a couple of Motorola phones, two BlackBerry devices, and one Samsung. I’m currently using … Read more

UBB from Both Sides

(Disclaimer: Much of the following blog post originates from emails exchanged with colleagues earlier this week. I’m going to re-format what I said as much as I can/need to so that it still makes sense without their replies. The following is all based on my own research and opinion.) As someone who speaks to vendors of … Read more