Council Preview: Dec 18, 2019

Welcome to the preview of the last Middlesex Centre Council meeting this year! It’s been a wonderful, if trying, year full of learning, research, trying new things, and moving important issues forward.

If you would like to read the full agenda and associated reports, click here.

At the moment we don’t have any closed sessions scheduled for this Wednesday. 🤞

Delegations & Presentations

  • Ingersoll Mayor Comiskey will be here to talk about landfill approval processes on behalf of “We Demand the Right.” There is a lengthy motion that he is looking for support to ask the provincial government to “formally entrench the right of municipalities to approve or reject landfill projects in or adjacent to their communities” and make both tiers of government in a two-tier system (like Middlesex Centre and Middlesex County’s) have to approve it.
  • We will then have a presentation from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture regarding animal activism.
    • I just want to say up front that I have no issue with people speaking their minds and making their voices heard on an issue. However, vandalism, breaking into private property, releasing animals, etc. is several steps too far. If you want change, go about the proper channels and get legislation changed in Ontario. You should not take it upon yourself to damage another person’s property and livelihood.

Court of Revision

Government Drain No. 1 will have it’s final day in Council before it’s voted on and either approved or denied.

Consent Agenda

  • Building report, a slower month than Nov 2018 but still ahead of 2019’s totals.
  • Based on a cost analysis, staff are recommending that the 2020-2022 contract for animal control be awarded to Hillside Kennels from Innerkip, Ontario.
    • I have received a number of messages from residents who have concerns with Hillside Kennels and the distance residents would have to travel to either drop off an animal, or pick up their dog or cat if found astray. These concerns are not going unnoticed, thank you for sending them.
  • Staff are providing a much more thorough update on the current status of the municipality’s asset management program: what’s been done, and the timeline for completion. We’re currently on track to complete is several years ahead of the regulated requirements, and are hoping to obtain a provincial grant in order to pay for 2020’s costs.
  • We have the latest financial update, all of which looks tracking fairly normally.
  • After an RFP process, staff are recommending we maintain our banking relationship with Bank of Montreal for the next five years.
  • And we have a slew of tax write-offs because of buildings razed by fires, classification changes, etc.

Staff Reports

  • Staff are putting forth an updated and enhanced Respect in the Workplace Policy that adds additional protected grounds of discrimination, better processes for handling and managing a request or complaint, updated investigation and resolution processes, and bringing it in line with the necessary changes introduced by the province’s Bill 168.
  • Staff are seeking final approval of the 2020 budget.
  • Staff are also seeking to convert a contract water/wastewater operator position to a full-time position. It’s been a contract since we brought water and wastewater in-house several years ago, and is clearly a need if we haven’t been able to go without this sixth position in the department.

There are no items for Committee of Adjustment, and no Public Meetings affecting Ward 4.

Notice of Motion

My motion to reduce the unposted speed limit from 50 km/h to 40 km/h will be debated and voted on this Wednesday! I have a good feeling that I have Council’s support, but if you don’t live in Ward 4 (Komoka and Kilworth) and want your Councillor to vote in favour, please get their contact info and let them know!

Here is the full motion:

THAT the Council for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre directs staff to bring back a by-law to amend By-Law 2018-092 to the next regular Council meeting for adoption in order to reduce the unposted speed limit on all Middlesex Centre roads within settlement areas from 50 km/h to 40 km/h beginning on May 1, 2020;

AND THAT a request be sent to Middlesex County encouraging the County to enact the reduction of the speed limit on all County owned roads in Middlesex Centre within settlement areas from 50 km/h to 40 km/h;

AND THAT staff be directed to purchase and erect the appropriate signage at the edges of our settlement areas, and some of our busier streets that intersect with County Roads (e.g. Tunks Lane, Kilworth Park Drive, Jefferies Road, Queen Street) as deemed appropriate;

AND THAT staff be directed to inform residents of the reduction of the speed limits through such avenues as the municipal website, social media, email newsletter, utility and property tax bills;

AND THAT staff be directed to work with OPP on an enforcement campaign after education has been ongoing for 60 days;

AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to report back to council with the financial implication of implementing the vision zero speed reduction program.


Some interesting items you may wish to read include the Middlesex Centre Archives’ newsletter, news of the County’s new Warden for 2020 (Lucan-Biddulph Mayor Cathy Burghardt-Jesson), and the Lower Thames Conservation Authority’s 2020 parking passes.

The by-laws put forth ratify any agreements made during the course of this meeting, will confirm myself as the Chair of the Committee of Adjustment for 2020, and a few other miscellaneous items.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know!