Council Preview: Sep 26, 2018

This week’s Council meeting has a whole lot of items affecting Ward 4. Let’s dive in and see what decisions need to be made on September 26, 2018.

  • We’ll get started at 5:30pm and head into a closed session right away.
  • If all goes well, we will be ready to start normal Council at 6pm!
  • The consent agenda has a number of items on it, including:
    • The August building permit report, where we have seen a slow down from 2017 but still good growth happening with at least 50 new single detached homes built this year, and 40 condos.
    • A thorough update on the 2018 election including a full list of candidates, info on voting online or by phone and where to get help voting, etc.
    • New meeting agenda software! eScribe has a live streaming option but we can’t squeeze it into 2018’s budget. I’ll keep pushing to ensure live streaming our Council meetings start in 2019.
    • The new, accessible washroom at Weldon Park (Arva) has to be delayed because of huge increases in material and construction costs. Looks like the tariffs imposed by the USA earlier this year are partially to blame.
    • An overview of the 2019 budget process.
  • No staff reports! That will likely result in a break, even if we push up the correspondence items, before Committee of Adjustment starts at 7pm.
  • Committee of Adjustment items affecting Ward 4:
    • A request to allow for an accessory building 1.2 metres taller than normally allowed. Given the property size and landscaping, this doesn’t look like a big deal. If you feel otherwise, please contact me.
  • Public meetings affecting Ward 4:
    • Oriole Park Resort; 22790 Amiens Road
      • After a very, very long march towards year round occupancy, it appears that the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks would not require the Municipality to be on the hook for the private sewage treatment plant should Oriole Park default or close. As a result, staff are now entertaining allowing Oriole Park to go from 11 months/year to year round occupancy. If you have any comments you would like placed on the record, please attend the meeting or email them to the Clerk at and copy me at!
    • Lupine Properties Limited, 9930 & 9918 Glendon Drive
      • The old Little Beaver Restaurant building appears to be set for re-development in the near future if this request for re-zoning is approved. The re-zoning would allow for a clinic, laboratory, and pharmacy so I suspect there is a hope to attract some medical offices/businesses here.
    • D’Lux Auto Spa, 22663 Komoka Road
      • D’Lux is seeking a re-zoning to allow them to bring in groundwater for washing vehicles. They would still need to use municipal water for their office, and they would need to install a second meter for wastewater discharge because the water used would still be put into our municipal system.
    • 10353 Gold Creek Drive
      • Homeowners on the south side of Gold Creek, the northern boundary of Ward 4, are looking to temporarily have two homes on their property while they construct a new one! These are routine and typically not a big deal.
    • Orange Rock Development, Block 60 Plan 33M-656
      • This is for the commercial property at the southeast corner of Jefferies & Glendon, and borders on Dausett in Kilworth. This is proposed to be a Home Hardware along with other, future commercial development to the north. I have heard a few concerns about this from some residents, but no one entirely opposed. Again, if you have any comments you would like placed on the record, please attend the meeting or email them to the Clerk at and copy me at! You can also reach out directly to me to discuss any questions, comments, or concerns you have.
    • 2270942 Ontario Ltd., 10125 Oxbow Drive
      • The property owner is looking to sever three 40′ lots from a large parcel of land along Oxbow Drive.

A big agenda for items in and affecting Ward 4! It will likely take a while to get through all of them.

  • In correspondence there is a request from Delaware Lions Club to waive the rental fee for the Delaware Community Centre for an all candidates meeting. I anticipate someone will motion to waive the rental fee, like we have done already in Komoka and Ilderton.
  • We will receive a County Council update from Deputy Mayor DeViet, if applicable.
  • And then we will vote on approving the by-laws listed.

And that should do it! If you have an item you would like to speak to me about please email, call/text 226-448-6774, tweet at me or inbox me.