Windows Server 2012 In Your Small Business – Part 6

In Windows Server 2012, the Server Manager has been redesigned to make it easier to manage multiple remote servers from a single admin console. Thankfully Windows Server 2012 servers are configured to allow for remote management by default, requiring less configuration upfront to make it work.

There is a new dashboard that provides you with very “glanceable” information, including alerts to issues that require your attention. The dashboard updates every 10 minutes, so don’t be alarmed if a user brings up an issue before the dashboard provides you with the corresponding alert.

It’s now easier to deploy roles and features to remote servers using the Add Roles And Features Wizard, as this wizard lets you select a server from your server pool, or even an offline VM, as the destination server.

Overall, the look and feel is more user friendly, while still retaining all of the power that system administrators expect. In fact, SysAdmins have greater power and flexibility now, paired with easier server, and Active Directory administration. Microsoft’s really taken the refinement approach to Server Manager.

That’s all the information I want to share about this topic. I know this was a short one, but next time we’ll be covering BranchCache and Branch Office Direct Printing. That entry will actually be focused on distributed organizations, and anyone reading this from a branch office perspective. Keep checking back for the final two instalments on how Windows Server 2012 can benefit your small business.