I think Windows 8 is a compelling OS. Yes, it’s different. And what of it? So was BlackBerry’s OS, and Apple’s iOS, and Google’s Android. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s bad. And this solution is surely far better (for the vast majority of consumers) than some of the things attempted by vendors like Lenovo, who put Windows 7 on a laptop and switched you to Linux when you detached the screen from its base (I love that idea, but I’m sure it would’ve been jarring for most).
Window 8 is designed to be a mobile OS, with a very neat, “live” interface. I’m fairly certain I’ll be replacing my aging tower with a 23″ or maybe 27″ all-in-one PC soon. The key will be that the screen needs to be adjustable, so that I can bring it down to a usable height if I want to use touch for more than 10 seconds, and those devices already exist.
On the other hand, I would caution anyone thinking of buying the Microsoft Surface RT device that was just released last week. You cannot install your “legacy,” desktop-based applications on the Surface RT. You will, however, be able to do on the Surface Pro coming out in a few months.
However, if you’re looking at a convertible laptop for mobile use, as I am as well, there’s already a full compliment of devices available, with more being released soon. Seriously, give Windows 8 a shot. It’s Windows, so eventually developers will build more apps for the ‘Modern UI’ (a.k.a. tiled interface) due to sheer market share numbers, and don’t think for a second Microsoft will bring back the desktop as the default interface. To do that flies in the face of where the personal computing industry is headed, and, despite Microsoft Bob, Microsoft surely isn’t that stupid. 🙂