On Wednesday we have a relatively short Council meeting coming up. It was added to the schedule in order to handle some reports and by-laws that needed to be handled as soon as possible. Here’s a quick preview of what’s coming up on Wednesday:
- The June building permit report, where things look healthy!
- We have hired, and will be appointing, a new by-law enforcement officer/risk management inspector. He has good credentials, and was hired in his role instead of replacing our recently retired By-Law Enforcement/Building assistant.
- We are applying for some grants from the Provincial government to help cover the costs of storm sewer upgrades and playground equipment.
- A tender for a new fire rescue truck has been completed, and we’re well under budget!
- Medway High School hopes to move ahead with some upgrades, if the site plan control agreement is approved.
- Municipal staff and Kilworth Heights West Ltd. (Don Black/Tridon) have negotiated a cost sharing agreement for Phase 1 of the development. It details all the nitty gritty that has been in the works, and well-known to anyone following these developments, for quite some time.
If I had to guess, I would say Council should be done by 7pm.